Norled launches a new shipping flag

Norled launches a new shipping flag

Modern, forward-looking and maritime were descriptive words when Norled recently launched its new shipping flag for the company's over 1,000 employees. The Stavanger-based shipping company was sold to new owners in the summer of 2019, and thus needed a new shipping flag since the existing one remains with its’ previous owner, DSD.

- There are always strong emotions attached to a flag, just like a logo, and we are happy that through a good and thorough process, we have succeeded in creating a new flag that we believe holds the qualities of Norled that we want to convey and which we are truly proud of, CEO Ingvald Løyning in Norled said.
He says that the name Norled will exist, and that the new flag by keeping the same colors red, white and blue has a clear reference to a long and proud Norwegian history.

The design bureau Melvær&Co in Stavanger has assisted Norled in designing the new flag and chimney mark. In addition employees in Norled have been involved.

- As it is the employees that make up the company and represents what Norled stands for, we found it natural that employees should be involved in the design process. We therefore established a broad reference group consisting of employees from different parts of the company who has given their input in the process. The final flag design was decided according to the reference group’s recommendation, Løyning said.

Basic considerations when Melvær&Co embarked on the task of designing a flag for Norled was to ensure that the flag appeared simple in shape and color, and was visible at a distance.

- The main idea when we started with the design process was that we wanted to refine the guiding star from the old flag and combine this shape with a stylized N for Norled. This has created a new symbol that appears as a compass needle, with the red arrow pointing north. The symbol may also be reminiscent of an electricity symbol, which we believe fits well with Norled as a forward-looking and environmentally focused shipping company, graphic designer Ida K. Hatleskog in Melvær&Co said.

Norled is the shipping company that launched the world's first electric zero-emission ferry MF Ampere, and will launch the world's first hydrogen-powered car ferry in 2021.


Managing Director Andreas Melvær from Melvær&Co adds that other associations are mountains and fjords, a sail and a ship up to the horizon.

Implementation of the new flag and chimney brand will start in 2020 and continue gradually until late summer 2020.

For more information contact: Communication Director Marianne Frønsdal, tel: + 47 95 12 93 83