Vestland (previous Sogn and Fjordane)

Hella-Vangsnes-Dragsvik (Balestrand) Check schedule
Mannheller- Fodnes Read more
Lavik-Oppedal Read more
Lavik-Oppedal EXTRA Read more


Nye takstregler 01.03 - deriblant el-bil Download 
Schedule public holidays Read more
Emergency route Vangsnes-Hella-Dragsvik Read more
Emergency route Mannheller-Fodnes Read more


Kiosk - Food and beverages on board

                     image5utf.png        imagev7xvg.png imageqbidd.png


Route Vessel Self-service Served
Mannheller-Fodnes MF Mannheller imagesjxm.png imagejfs5j.png
Mannheller-Fodnes MF Fodnes image4xou.png imagekqp6m.png
Vangsnes-Hella-Dragsvik MF Dragsvik imageuoy1m.png  
Vangsnes-Hella-Dragsvik MF Hella imagewxfom.png  
Vangsnes-Hella-Dragsvik MF Leikanger imagewxfom.png   
Lavik-Oppedal MF Ampere imagekxkvl.png imageqv4d7.png
Lavik-Oppedal MF Stavanger imagehmg7q.png imagei1mhn.png
Lavik-Oppedal MF Oppedal imageqgaq6k.png imagerqdvg.png

Read more about our offers on board here