Nykshytta (Askvoll)

En lett og fin tur for hele familien

If you choose to go to Askvoll and visit Nykshytta, you will not be disapointed.

Its like a kinderegg: Boat, bike and hike!

Nykshytta is located by Nyksvatnet in Holmedal, just past Askvoll. The cabin is located  at 455 above sea level, and it takes about 45 minutes to walk (2 km) It is an easy and nice trip for the entire family. Maybe you will meet the troll under the bridge? Nykshytta is also perfect if you want to visit other famous mountain peaks as Dokka and Moldura.

When arriving Askvoll with expressboat from Bergen, you can choose to cycle or go by taxi to the starting point of the hike. You can rent a bike at Askvoll Fjordhotell. The hike starts from the waterworks Fossheim in Holmedal, about 8 km from the quay in Askvoll. The path is okey to walk on, occasionally steep, but allows sneakers most of the year. From the starting point, follow the sign to Nykshytta. At the top you will have a great view of Holmedal and Dalsfjorden. The cabin is open for everyone to visit- and a great place to enjoy your lunch. 


If you choose to go further on to Dokka and Moldura, this roundtrip will take around 2 hours (5,7 km)


  • Practical information

    The tours described is a suggestion from Norled. You can book boat tickets with Norled here. All other transport, activities and accomodation are booked seperately. You can find useful links and suggestions at the bottom of the page

    Starting point: Bergen
    Duration: Daytrip
    Area: FjordCoast
    All year
  • Tour details

    Taxi to the trails starting point kan be booked at Rugsund Taxi, tlf 41639102 and  Eikeset Taxi, tlf 95956341.

    Bring clothes according to the weather, good shoes, food and dring

          imageczem.png       imagerv8ets.png        imagei65wf.png    imagelixj.png

    imagei3zev.pngRent a bike at Askvoll Fjordhotell or bring your ownimage25vbj.png

    Our FJORDCard can be used on our express boats

    The schedule suggestions applies Monday-Friday. It is also possible to travel Saturdays and Sundays, but you will have to spend the night in the area.

    All year
  • Difficulty

    Green hike: Easy
    Length: < 600 m
    Altitude: < 10 km

Tour description

Itinerary Schedule How to book/find schedule
Expressboat Bergen-Askvoll Dep 08:00 Arr 10:50 www.norled.no
Bike Askvoll-Vannverket i Holmedal Approx 45 min   
Hike to Nykshytta Approc 1,5 h Nykshytta - dagsturhytta i Askvoll (ut.no)
Bike Vannverket i Holmedal- Askvoll Approx 45 min  
Expressboat Askvoll-Bergen Dep 17:40  Arr 20:45 www.norled.no
All trips presented are intended for information purpose only. All trips are at your own risk. Norled As is in any case not responsible for the trips or any incidents and changes in schedules that might occure. You are travelling on your own and are responsible for the time you use and to reach the scheduled transport.
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