Hornelen- the highest sea cliff in Europe

Hornelen -the highest sea cliff in Europe.  There`s a straggering 860-metre drop straight down into the fjord from the top.

Are you looking for a magnificent hiking experience, this is your choise. Our expressboats will take you from Bergen to Smørhamn quickly and with comfort.  From the quay you can take the bus  on to your desires accommodation in the area(Smørhamn/Kalvåg). After a good nights sleep, just head out on your adventure.

The starting point for this trip is Hunskår or Berleneset. The trail is signed posted with red T`s and stones. The trail is somewhat demanding and steep, but you are well rewarded with a panoramic view of high mountains, narrow fjords and small island as far as the eye can see.

This is a daytrip, so bring plenty of food and drinks, clothes and shoes according to the conditions.

Yuu will find water all along the way to the top. Starting from Hunskår it will take approximately 4 hours to the top. If you start from Berleneset, it will take a bit longer- but the trail is easier to hike and also suitable for the entire family.

However – both routes are classified as a “red route”- meaning that you need some hiking experience. If you do not want to take the hike on your own, there are guide services in the area.

  • Practical information

    The tours described is a suggestion from Norled. You can book boat tickets with Norled here. All other transport, activities and accomodation are booked seperately. You can find useful links and suggestions at the bottom of the page

    Starting point: Bergen
    Duration: Minimun 2 days
    Area: FjordCoast
    Season: Mat-September
  • Tour details

    Taxi to the trails starting point kan be booked at Rugsund Taxi, tlf 41639102 and  Eikeset Taxi, tlf 95956341.

    Bring clothes according to the weather, good shoes, food and dring

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    imagei3zev.pngYou can not take the trip on your own when there is snow on the mountain. Be aware of the crack in the upper part of the plateau. Stay on the train and do not try to jump overimage25vbj.png

    Norway Adventure offers guided tours 

    Our FJORDCard can be used on our express boats

    The schedule suggestions applies Monday-Friday. It is also possible to travel Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Difficulty

    Green hike: Easy
    Lenght: < 20 km
    Altimeter: < 1000 m

Tour description

Itinerary Schedules How to book/check schedule
Boat Bergen-Smørhamn Dep 08:00/16:30 Arr 12:00/20:20 www.norled.no
Bus Smørhamn-Kalvåg Dep 11:15/20:20 Arr 11:24/20:29 www.kringom.no
Accomodation   Several choices
Transport to trail appr 10-20 min pr way Taxi
Hiking 7-10 hours Topptur til Europas høgste sjøklippe Hornelen 860 moh. (ut.no)
Bus Kalvåg-Smørhamn Dep 07:40/16:05 Arr 07:54/16:15 www.kringom.no
Boat Smørhamn-Bergen Dep 08:05/16:30 Arr 11:50/20:45




All trips presented are intended for information purpose only. All trips are at your own risk. Norled As is in any case not responsible for the trips or any incidents and changes in schedules that might occure. You are travelling on your own and are responsible for the time you use and to reach the scheduled transport. 
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