Blåfjellet- Askvoll

If you want to experience beautiful Norwegian nature, Blåfjellet in Askvoll is an exellent place to visit. The mountain is located where fjord and costal Norway meet and offers the best of two worlds.

You start by folowing a river that is beautifully situated in wooded surroundings. Once you have crosssed the forest border, a wide sea view opens up and the trip continues in open mountain terrain. The combination of  a boat trip from Bergen and hiking in this magnificent landscape, can make this day one of the hightlights of the summer!

The trail to Blåfjelles lies to the north of Askvoll village centre, and climbs to a height of 533 m above sea level. The trip is about 5 km long and takes about 3 hours. The trail starts from Storehaugsveien, Askvoll Øvre. Follow the sign to Blåfjell. The trail is mostly solig ground, with some mashy sections. It is well marked and easy to find in the terrain. At the top you will have a great view!

  • Practical information

    The tours described is a suggestion from Norled. You can book boat tickets with Norled here. All other transport, activities and accomodation are booked seperately. You can find useful links and suggestions at the bottom of the page

    Starting point: Bergen
    Duration: Daytrip
    Area: FjordCoast
    Season: April-November
  • Tour details

    Transport from Værlandet to Alden can  be booked at Alaria A/S, tlf 48132779.

    Rib boat from Askvoll to Alden can be booked via Visit Fjordkysten

    Bring clothes according to the weather, good shoes, food and dring

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    imagei3zev.pngYou start hiking from the quayimage25vbj.png

    Our FJORDCard can be used on our express boats

    The schedule suggestions applies Monday-Friday. It is also possible to travel Saturdays and Sundays, but then you will have to spend the night.

  • Difficulty

    Green hike: Easy
    Length: < 20 km
    Altimeter: < 1000 m

Tour description


Expressboat Bergen-Askvoll Dep 08:00 Arr 10:50
Go to starting point of the trip,  Askvoll Øvre Appr 10 min   
Hiking Ca 2,5-3 timer Topptur til Blåfjell 533 moh - A11 (
Askvoll Øvre to quay Appr 10 min  
Expressboat Askvoll-Bergen Dep 17:40 Arr 20:45
Order this trip

Useful links

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