The environment and innovation – our core values

The environment and innovation – our core values

We all depend on good travel solutions

Good travel solutions are crucial if our society is to function properly. Goods need to be transported efficiently between companies and between companies and sale outlets. People need to get where they're going on time, without too much waiting around. Minor faults in this system can have major consequences.

What does it mean to have the environment as a core value?

Norled is part of the infrastructure of society and we have always been actively involved in current day challenges. When we first started in the 1850s the challenge was to link urban and rural areas more closely, so that everyone could take part in society's development. We introduced new types of vessels that provided a regularity that people could depend on. Today, the challenge is about ensuring a smoothly-running transport system, while also reducing emissions drastically. Once again there is a need for new solutions, and, once again, Norled is at the forefront. We consider the environment in everything we do – from the design and construction of new vessels to day-to-day operation with eco-friendly navigation and sensible acquisitions.

We take our share of the responsibility

In just a few years and in partnership with some of the best technology communities in the world, Norled has developed completely new technology capable of radically reducing emissions in our industry. It is our expressed ambition to gradually reduce emissions from the Norwegian ferry fleet as new types of vessels are phased in. On longer journeys we will replace diesel vessels with gas vessels and on shorter journeys we will start using battery-powered ferries, which reduce local emissions by 100%. We are also testing new systems for automatic mooring and for logging of optimum running patterns.

Norled at the forefront

As one of the major ferry operators in Norway, and clearly the largest within express boat operation, Norled has a duty to be at the forefront of developments. Thus, we are the first operator in the world with a totally emission-free ferry based on battery technology and with gas ferries with diesel engines on board. We have also constructed some of the largest express boats in the world in carbon, which is lighter than aluminium and therefore uses less fuel. And perhaps most importantly: As it is not possible to replace all ferries simultaneously, we are also testing solutions that can reduce emissions from the old diesel ferries – without major investments. This is how we use our vision, implementation capability and creative surplus in the private sector to the benefit of society.